import flow from 'lodash/fp/flow.js'; import sumBy from 'lodash/fp/sumBy.js'; import pick from 'lodash/fp/pick.js'; import filter from 'lodash/fp/filter.js'; import flattenDeep from 'lodash/fp/flattenDeep.js'; import has from 'lodash/fp/has.js'; const expand_cost_mass = (obj={}) => ([ pick(['cost','mass'],obj), ...Object.values(obj || {}).filter( val => typeof val === 'object' ).map( val => expand_cost_mass(val) ) ]); export function calc_ship_req(ship) { console.log(ship); let { general, } = ship; //if(!general) general = {}; const items = flow( expand_cost_mass, flattenDeep, filter(has('cost')) )({, cost: general.mass, mass: 0 }) return { mass: sumBy('mass',items), cost: sumBy('cost',items), } } // to get around 3.00001 ceiling up to 4 export const ceil = number => Math.ceil( Math.round(10*number)/10 );