add link to changes

This commit is contained in:
Yanick Champoux 2022-07-20 09:59:23 -04:00
parent d4ad827471
commit d68f49668d
4 changed files with 213 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -26,114 +26,7 @@ sub _build_changelog($self) {
} }
with 'App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes'; with 'App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Render';
sub render_header($self) {
my $output = "# Changelog";
my $name = $self->changelog->{project}{name};
my %links = ();
if( $self->changelog->{project}{homepage} ) {
$name = "[$name][homepage]";
$links{homepage} = $self->changelog->{project}{homepage};
$output .= " for $name" if $name;
if(%links) {
$output .= "\n\n";
$output .= $self->render_refs(%links);
$output .= "\n\n";
sub render_refs($self,%links) {
my $output = '';
for my $ref ( sort keys %links ) {
$output .= " [$ref]: $links{$ref}\n"
return $output . "\n";
sub as_markdown($self) {
my $changelog = $self->changelog;
my $output = $self->render_header;
my $n = 0;
$output .= join "\n", map { $self->render_release($_, $n++) } $changelog->{releases}->@*;
return $output;
sub render_release($self, $release, $n=0) {
# it's a string? Okay then!
return $release unless ref $release;
my $version = $release->{version} || ( $n ? '???' : 'NEXT' );
my $date = $release->{date};
my $output = '';
$output .= "## $version";
$output .= ", $date" if $date;
$output .= "\n";
if( $release->{changes} ) {
my @changes = map { ref ? $_ : { desc => $_ } } $release->{changes}->@*;
my @keywords = map { $_->{keywords}->@* } $self->change_types->@*;
# find the generics
my @generics = grep {
my $type = $_->{type};
my $res = !$type;
if( $type and not grep { $type eq $_} @keywords ) {
$res = 1;
warn "change type '$type' is not recognized\n";
} @changes;
$output .= "\n" if @generics;
$output .= " * $_->{desc}\n" for @generics;
my %keyword_mapping = map {
my $title = $_->{title};
map { $_ => $title } $_->{keywords}->@*;
} $self->change_types->@*;
my %groups = partition_by {
no warnings qw/ uninitialized /;
$keyword_mapping{$_->{type}} || ''
} @changes;
for my $type ( $self->change_types->@* ) {
my $c = $groups{$type->{title}} or next;
$output .= "\n### $type->{title}\n\n";
$output .= $self->render_change($_) for $c->@*;
return $output . "\n";
sub render_change($self, $change) {
return " * " . $change->{desc} . "\n";
sub run($self) { sub run($self) {
no warnings 'utf8'; no warnings 'utf8';

View File

@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ properties:
description: name of the project description: name of the project
examples: examples:
- App::Changelord - App::Changelord
type: string
description: perl code that takes a ticket string (e.g. 'GH123') via the `$_` variable and turns it into a link.
- s!GH(\d+)!$1/
- /^\d+$/ ? "https://.../$_" : undef
change_types: change_types:
type: array type: array
items: items:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
package App::Changelord::Role::Render;
use v5.36.0;
use Moo::Role;
use List::AllUtils qw/ pairmap partition_by /;
sub render_header ($self) {
my $output = "# Changelog";
my $name = $self->changelog->{project}{name};
my %links = ();
if ( $self->changelog->{project}{homepage} ) {
$name = "[$name][homepage]";
$links{homepage} = $self->changelog->{project}{homepage};
$output .= " for $name" if $name;
if (%links) {
$output .= "\n\n";
$output .= $self->render_refs(%links);
$output .= "\n\n";
sub render_refs ( $self, %links ) {
my $output = '';
for my $ref ( sort keys %links ) {
$output .= " [$ref]: $links{$ref}\n";
return $output . "\n";
sub as_markdown ($self) {
my $changelog = $self->changelog;
my $output = $self->render_header;
my $n = 0;
$output .= join "\n",
map { $self->render_release( $_, $n++ ) } $changelog->{releases}->@*;
return $output;
sub render_release ( $self, $release, $n = 0 ) {
# it's a string? Okay then!
return $release unless ref $release;
my $version = $release->{version} || ( $n ? '???' : 'NEXT' );
my $date = $release->{date};
my $output = '';
$output .= "## $version";
$output .= ", $date" if $date;
$output .= "\n";
if ( $release->{changes} ) {
my @changes =
map { ref ? $_ : { desc => $_ } } $release->{changes}->@*;
my @keywords = map { $_->{keywords}->@* } $self->change_types->@*;
# find the generics
my @generics = grep {
my $type = $_->{type};
my $res = !$type;
if ( $type and not grep { $type eq $_ } @keywords ) {
$res = 1;
warn "change type '$type' is not recognized\n";
} @changes;
$output .= "\n" if @generics;
$output .= join '', map { $self->render_change($_) } @generics;
my %keyword_mapping = map {
my $title = $_->{title};
map { $_ => $title } $_->{keywords}->@*;
} $self->change_types->@*;
my %groups = partition_by {
no warnings qw/ uninitialized /;
$keyword_mapping{ $_->{type} } || ''
for my $type ( $self->change_types->@* ) {
my $c = $groups{ $type->{title} } or next;
$output .= "\n### $type->{title}\n\n";
$output .= $self->render_change($_) for $c->@*;
my $links = '';
$output =~ s/(\n \[.*?\]: .*?)\n/$links .= $1;''/gem;
return $output . $links . "\n";
sub render_change ( $self, $change ) {
my $out = " * " . $change->{desc};
my $link = "";
if ( $change->{ticket} ) {
$out .= " [$change->{ticket}]";
if ( $self->changelog->{project}{ticket_url} ) {
local $_ = $change->{ticket};
eval $self->changelog->{project}{ticket_url};
warn $@ if $@;
if ($_) {
$link = " [$change->{ticket}]: $_";
$out .= "\n\n$link";
return $out . "\n";

t/render.t Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
use Test2::V0;
use v5.36.0;
package TestMe {
use Moo;
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Render';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes';
has changelog => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {{
project => { ticket_url => undef }
sub set_url($self, $url) {
$self->changelog->{project}{ticket_url} = $url;
my $test = TestMe->new();
is $test->render_change( { desc => 'blah', ticket => 'GT123' } ),
<<'END', "no ticket_url";
* blah [GT123]
$test->set_url( 's!GT!!' );
is $test->render_change( { desc => 'blah', ticket => 'GT123' } ),
<<'END', 'with a ticket_url';
* blah [GT123]
$test->set_url( '$_ = undef' );
is $test->render_change( { desc => 'blah', ticket => 'GT123' } ),
<<'END', 'with a ticket_url, but returns nothing';
* blah [GT123]
subtest 'all links go at the bottom' => sub {
$test->set_url( 's!^!link://!' );
is $test->render_release({
changes => [
{ desc => 'this', ticket => 1 },
{ desc => 'that', ticket => 2 },
{ desc => 'else' },
}), <<'END';
* this [1]
* that [2]
* else
[1]: link://1
[2]: link://2