package App::Changelord; # ABSTRACT: cli-based changelog manager use 5.36.0; use Moo; use CLI::Osprey desc => 'changelog manager'; use YAML; use List::AllUtils qw/ pairmap partition_by /; use App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes; sub run($self) { App::Changelord::Command::Print->new( parent_command => $self, )->run; } subcommand $_ => 'App::Changelord::Command::' . ucfirst $_ =~ s/-(.)/uc $1/er for qw/ schema validate version bump init add git-gather print /; 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION C offers a collection of cli commands to interact with a YAML-based CHANGELOG file format, from which a Markdown CHANGELOG fit for general comsumption can be generated. See the original blog entry in the C section for the full motivation. For a list of the commands, C, then to get information on the individual commands C. =head1 SEE ALSO L - the introducing blog entry.