use Test2::V0; use v5.36.0; package TestMe { use Moo; with 'App::Changelord::Role::Render'; with 'App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes'; has changelog => ( is => 'ro', default => sub {{ project => { ticket_url => undef } }} ); sub set_url($self, $url) { $self->changelog->{project}{ticket_url} = $url; } } my $test = TestMe->new(); is $test->render_change( { desc => 'blah', ticket => 'GT123' } ), <<'END', "no ticket_url"; * blah [GT123] END $test->set_url( 's!GT!!' ); is $test->render_change( { desc => 'blah', ticket => 'GT123' } ), <<'END', 'with a ticket_url'; * blah [GT123] [GT123]: END $test->set_url( '$_ = undef' ); is $test->render_change( { desc => 'blah', ticket => 'GT123' } ), <<'END', 'with a ticket_url, but returns nothing'; * blah [GT123] END subtest 'all links go at the bottom' => sub { $test->set_url( 's!^!link://!' ); is $test->render_release({ changes => [ { desc => 'this', ticket => 1 }, { desc => 'that', ticket => 2 }, { desc => 'else' }, ] }), <<'END'; ## NEXT * this [1] * that [2] * else [1]: link://1 [2]: link://2 END }; done_testing;