
40 lines
724 B

package App::Changelord;
# version next latest
use 5.36.0;
use Moo;
use CLI::Osprey;
use YAML;
use List::AllUtils qw/ pairmap partition_by /;
use App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes;
option source => (
is => 'ro',
format => 's',
doc => 'changelog yaml file',
default => 'CHANGELOG.yml',
has changelog => ( is => 'lazy' );
sub _build_changelog($self) {
return YAML::LoadFile($self->source)
with 'App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Render';
sub run($self) {
no warnings 'utf8';
print $self->as_markdown;
subcommand $_ => 'App::Changelord::Command::' . ucfirst $_ =~ s/-(.)/uc $1/er
for qw/ schema validate version bump init add git-gather /;