
82 lines
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package App::Changelord::Command::Bump;
use 5.36.0;
use Moo;
use CLI::Osprey desc => 'bump next version',
description_pod => <<'END';
Set a version for the NEXT release based on the types of its changes.
Also set the release date of that release to today.
use Path::Tiny;
use JSON;
use YAML qw/ Bless /;
use List::AllUtils qw/ first min uniq /;
use Version::Dotted::Semantic;
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Changelog';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Versions';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Stats';
sub run ($self) {
my $bump = shift @ARGV;
if ( $bump and !grep { $_ eq $bump } qw/ minor major patch / ) {
die "invalid bump type '$bump', must be major, minor, or patch\n";
my $version;
if ($bump) {
$version = Version::Dotted::Semantic->new( $self->latest_version );
$version = $version->stringify;
else {
$version = $self->next_version;
if ( $self->changelog->{releases}[0]{version}
and $self->changelog->{releases}[0]{version} ne 'NEXT' ) {
"No change detected since last version, hope you know what you're doing.\n";
unshift $self->changelog->{releases}->@*, { version => 'NEXT', };
my @time = localtime;
$self->changelog->{releases}[0]{version} = $version;
$self->changelog->{releases}[0]{date} = sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d",
$time[5] + 1900, $time[4], $time[3];
if( $self->changelog->{project}{with_stats} ) {
push $self->changelog->{releases}[0]{changes}->@*, {
type => 'stats', desc => $self->stats
my $change = $self->changelog;
[ uniq qw/
project releases change_types
/, sort keys %$change
] );
Bless( $change->{project} )->keys(
[ uniq qw/
name homepage
/, sort keys $change->{project}->%*
] );
for ( grep { ref } $change->{releases}->@* ) {
Bless($_)->keys( [ uniq qw/ version date changes /, sort keys %$_ ] );
path( $self->source )->spew( YAML::Dump($change) );
say "new version minted: $version";
'end of App::Changelog::Command::Bump';