
39 lines
925 B

package App::Changelord::Command::Version;
# SYNOPSIS: output the latest / next version
use 5.36.0;
use Moo;
use CLI::Osprey
desc => 'output the latest/next version';
use Path::Tiny;
use JSON;
use YAML::XS;
use List::AllUtils qw/ first min /;
use Version::Dotted::Semantic;
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Changelog';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::ChangeTypes';
with 'App::Changelord::Role::Versions';
sub run($self) {
my $param = shift @ARGV;
die "invalid parameter '$param', needs to be nothing, 'next' or 'latest'\n"
if $param and not grep { $param eq $_ } qw/ next latest /;
if(!$param) {
say "latest version: ", $self->latest_version;
say "next version: ", $self->next_version;
elsif( $param eq 'next' ) {
say $self->next_version;
else {
say $self->latest_version;
'end of App::Changelog::Command::Version';