# verifies that at least one test file has been modified # (the goal being that one test has been added or altered) use 5.38.0; use Test2::V0; use Git::Wrapper; my $target_branch = $ENV{TARGET_BRANCH} // 'main'; my $git = Git::Wrapper->new('.'); my $on_target = grep { "* $target_branch" eq $_ } $git->branch; skip_all "already on target branch" if $on_target; skip_all "manually disabled" if $ENV{NO_NEW_TEST}; ok test_file_modified( $git->diff($target_branch) ), "added to a test file"; sub test_file_modified (@diff) { my $in_test_file = 0; for (@diff) { if (/^diff/) { $in_test_file = /\.t$/; next; } return 1 if $in_test_file and /^\+/; } return 0; } done_testing;