use 5.32.0; package Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema; use Moo; use experimental qw/ signatures /; use List::AllUtils qw/ pairmap pairgrep /; use Set::Object qw/set/; =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 type The JSON:API object type. Required. =cut has type => ( required => 1, is => 'ro', ); =head2 id Key to use as a reference to the object. Defaults to C. Can be a string, or a function that will be passed the original data object. =cut has id => ( is => 'ro', default => 'id' ); has links => ( is => 'ro' ); has top_level_links => ( is => 'ro' ); has top_level_meta => ( is => 'ro' ); has relationships => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { +{} } ); has registry => ( is => 'ro' ); has allowed_attributes => ( is => 'ro' ); =head1 METHODS =head2 top_level_serialize($data,$extra_data = {}) Serializes C<$data> as a top-level JSON:API object. =cut sub serialize ( $self, $data, $extra_data = {} ) { my $serial = {}; $serial->{jsonapi} = { version => '1.0' }; my @included; if ( defined $data ) { $serial->{data} = $self->serialize_data( $data, $extra_data, \@included ); } $serial->{links} = gen_links( $self->top_level_links, $data, $extra_data ) if $self->top_level_links; if ( $self->registry and $self->registry->app ) { $serial->{links}{self} = $self->registry->app->request->path; } $serial->{meta} = gen_links( $self->top_level_meta, $data, $extra_data ) if $self->top_level_meta; $serial->{included} = [ dedupe_included(@included) ] if @included; return $serial; } sub dedupe_included { my %seen; return grep { not $seen{ $_->{type} }{ $_->{id} }++ } @_; } =head2 serialize_data($data,$extra_data) Serializes the inner C<$data>. =cut has attributes => ( is => 'ro', default => sub { my $self = shift; return sub { my ( $data, $extra_data ) = @_; return {} if ref $data ne 'HASH'; my @keys = grep { not $self->relationships->{$_} } grep { $_ ne $self->id } keys %$data; return { $data->%{@keys} }; } } ); has before_serialize => ( is => 'ro' ); sub serialize_data ( $self, $data, $extra_data = {}, $included = undef ) { return [ map { $self->serialize_data( $_, $extra_data, $included ) } @$data ] if ref $data eq 'ARRAY'; if ( $self->before_serialize ) { $data = $self->before_serialize->( $data, $extra_data ); } # it's a scalar? it's the id return { id => $data, type => $self->type } unless ref $data; my $s = { type => $self->type, id => $self->gen_id( $data, $extra_data ) }; if ( $self->links ) { $s->{links} = gen_links( $self->links, $data, $extra_data ); } $s->{attributes} = gen_links( $self->attributes, $data, $extra_data ); my %relationships = $self->relationships->%*; for my $key ( keys %relationships ) { my $attr = $data->{$key}; my @inc; my $t = $self->registry->serialize( $relationships{$key}{type}, $attr, \@inc ); if ( my $data = obj_ref( $t->{data}, \@inc ) ) { $s->{relationships}{$key}{data} = $data; } if ( my $links = $relationships{$key}{links} ) { $s->{relationships}{$key}{links} = gen_links( $links, $data, $extra_data ); } push @$included, @inc if $included; } delete $s->{attributes} unless $s->{attributes}->%*; if ( $self->allowed_attributes ) { delete $s->{attributes}{$_} for ( set( keys $s->{attributes}->%* ) - set( $self->allowed_attributes->@* ) )->@*; } return $s; } sub obj_ref ( $data, $included ) { return [ map { obj_ref( $_, $included ) } @$data ] if ref $data eq 'ARRAY'; return $data if keys %$data == 2; return unless keys %$data; push @$included, $data; return +{ $data->%{qw/ id type/} }; } sub gen_id ( $self, $data, $xtra ) { my $id = $self->id; return ref $id ? $id->( $data, $xtra ) : $data->{$id}; } sub gen_links ( $links, $data, $extra_data = {} ) { return $links->( $data, $extra_data ) if ref $links eq 'CODE'; return { pairmap { $a => gen_item( $b, $data, $extra_data ) } %$links }; } sub gen_item ( $item, $data, $extra_data ) { return $item unless ref $item; return $item->( $data, $extra_data ); } 1;