
146 lines
3.7 KiB

use Test2::V0;
use Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema;
use Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry;
use experimental qw/ signatures /;
my $type = Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new( 'type' => 'thing' );
like $type->serialize( { attr1 => 'a', id => '123' }, { foo => 1 } ) => {
jsonapi => { version => '1.0' },
data => { type => 'thing', id => '123' }
is( Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new(
'type' => 'thing',
id => 'foo'
)->serialize( { foo => '123' } )->{data}{id} => '123',
'custom id'
my $serialized = schema_serialize(
{ 'type' => 'thing',
id => sub ( $data, @ ) { $data->{x} . $data->{y} },
links => { self => '/some/url' },
{ x => '1', y => '2' }
is( $serialized->{data}{id} => '12',
'custom id, function'
like $serialized->{data}, { links => { self => '/some/url' } }, "links";
sub schema_serialize ( $schema, $data ) {
return Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new(%$schema)->serialize($data);
type => 'thing',
top_level_meta => {
foo => 1,
bar => sub ( $data, $xtra ) {
)->serialize( {}, { bar => 'yup' } ),
{ meta => { foo => 1, bar => 'yup' } }
subtest 'attributes' => sub {
my $serialized =
Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new( type => 'thing', )
->serialize( { id => 1, foo => 'bar' } );
is $serialized->{data} => {
type => 'thing',
id => 1,
attributes => { foo => 'bar', }
subtest 'a single scalar == id', sub {
my $serialized =
Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new( type => 'thing' )
is $serialized->{data} => {
type => 'thing',
id => 'blah',
subtest 'allowed_attributes', sub {
my $serialized = Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new(
type => 'thing',
allowed_attributes => ['foo'],
)->serialize( { id => 1, foo => 2, bar => 3 } );
is $serialized->{data} => {
type => 'thing',
id => 1,
attributes => { foo => 2, }
subtest 'empty data', sub {
my $serialized =
Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new( type => 'thing' )
ok( !$serialized->{data}, "there is no data" );
package FakeRequest {
use Moo;
has path => ( is => 'ro', default => '/some/path' );
package FakeApp {
use Moo;
has request => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {
subtest "add the self link if tied to the app" => sub {
my $serialized = Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new(
type => 'thing',
registry =>
Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry->new( app => FakeApp->new )
is $serialized->{links}{self} => '/some/path';
subtest 'attributes function' => sub {
my $serialized = Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new(
type => 'thing',
attributes => sub ( $data, @ ) {
return +{ reverse %$data },;
)->serialize( { id => 1, 'a' .. 'd' } );
is $serialized->{data}{attributes} => { 1 => 'id', b => 'a', d => 'c' };
subtest 'before_serializer' => sub {
my $serialized = Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Schema->new(
type => 'thing',
before_serialize => sub ( $data, @ ) {
return +{ %$data, nbr_attrs => scalar keys %$data };
)->serialize( { id => 1, a => 'b' } );
is $serialized->{data}{attributes}{nbr_attrs} => 2;