2023-11-15 09:39:13 -05:00

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use 5.38.0;
Serializer for JSON:API. Takes in a data structure, munge it to conforms to the JSON:API format (potentially based on a provided registry of JSON:API schemas),
and encode it as JSON.
Note that using Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi in an app will automatically
set C<Dancer2::Serializer::JsonApi> as its serializer if it's not already defined.
As part of a Dancer2 App:
# in config.yaml
serializer: JsonApi
As a standalone module:
use Dancer2::Serializer::JsonApi;
use Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry;
my $registry = Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry->new;
$registry->add_type( 'spaceship' => {
relationships => {
crew => { type => 'person' }
} );
$registry->add_type( 'person' );
my $serializer = Dancer2::Serializer::JsonApi->new(
registry => $registry
my $serialized = $serializer->serialize([
'spaceship', {
id => 1,
name => 'Unrequited Retribution',
crew => [
{ id => 2, name => 'One-eye Flanagan', species => 'human' },
{ id => 3, name => 'Flabgor', species => 'Moisterian' },
package Dancer2::Serializer::JsonApi;
use Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry;
use Dancer2::Serializer::JSON;
use Moo;
=head2 content_type
Returns the content type used by the serializer, which is C<application/vnd.api+json>;
has content_type => ( is => 'ro', default => 'application/vnd.api+json' );
with 'Dancer2::Core::Role::Serializer';
=head2 registry
The L<Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry> to use.
has registry => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry->new }
=head2 json_serializer
The underlying JSON serializer. Defaults to L<Dancer2::Serializer::JSON>.
has json_serializer => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { Dancer2::Serializer::JSON->new }
=head1 METHODS
=head2 $self->serialize( [ $type, $data, $xtra ])
Serializes the C<$data> using the C<$type> from the registry.
The returned value will be a JSON string.
sub serialize {
my ( $self, $data ) = @_;
return $self->json_serializer->serialize(
$self->registry->serialize(@$data) );
=head2 $self->deserialize( $json_string )
Takes in the serialized C<$json_string> and recreate data out of it.
sub deserialize { ... }