
60 lines
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package Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry;
use 5.32.0;
use Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry::Schema;
use Carp;
use Moo;
use experimental qw/ signatures /;
The registry for the different types of data managed by the plugin.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 serialize($type,$data,$extra_data={})
Returns the serialized form of C<$data>.
sub serialize($self,$type,$data,$extra_data={}) {
return $self->type($type)->top_level_serialize($data,$extra_data);
has types => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub { +{} },
=head2 add_type($type, $definition = {})
Adds a data type to the registry.
sub add_type($self,$type,$definition={}) {
$self->{types}{$type} = Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry::Schema->new(
type => $type,
=head2 type($type)
Returns the type's C<Dancer2::Plugin::JsonApi::Registry::Type>. Throws an
error if the type does not exist.
sub type($self,$type) {
return $self->types->{$type} || carp "type '$type' not found\n";