This commit is contained in:
Yanick Champoux 2023-12-09 11:47:37 -05:00
parent 9856545a59
commit 450ac404f1
2 changed files with 90 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -4,30 +4,86 @@ package Part2;
use Part1;
use List::AllUtils qw/all /;
use List::AllUtils qw/all first_index none min max /;
sub get_cycle( $current, $directions, $nodes ) {
my @tracks;
my $next_index = 0;
while() {
use DDP; #p @tracks;
my $t = join '-', $current,$next_index;
my $i = first_index { $_ eq $t } @tracks;
if( $i > -1 ) {
my $c = 0;
# p @tracks;
# warn $i, " ",$t;
return $i, map {
if(/Z-/) {
my $x = $c; $c = 0; $x;
}else {
} splice @tracks, $i;
push @tracks, $t;
$current = $nodes->{$current}[ $directions->[ $next_index ] ];
$next_index = ( $next_index+1)% @$directions;
sub solution_2 ($input) {
my $p = Part1::parse_input($input);
my @directions = $p->{directions}->@*;
my %nodes = $p->{nodes}->%*;
my $visited = 0;
my $next_index = 0;
my @current = grep { /A$/ } keys %nodes;
my @paths;
my @initial = grep { /A$/ } keys %nodes;
for (@initial ) {
push @paths, [
until ( all { /Z$/ } @current ) {
# use DDP; p @current;
# my $foo = <>;
my $visited = 0;
my @preloop = map { shift @$_ } @paths;
p @preloop;
my $pre = max @preloop;
$visited += $pre;
@current = map {
$nodes{$_}->[ $directions[ $next_index % @directions ] ]
} @current;
my @current = map { $preloop[$_] - $pre } 0..$#preloop;
p @current;p @paths;
for(0..$#current) {
while( $current[$_] <= 0 ) {
$current[$_] += $paths[$_][0];
push $paths[$_]->@*, shift $paths[$_]->@*;
p @current;p @paths;
until( none { $_ } @current ) {
use DDP;
warn $visited;
p @current;p @paths;
my $incr = max @current;
warn $incr;
$visited += $incr;
for ( 0..$#current) {
$current[$_] -= $incr;
while( $current[$_] < 0 ) {
$current[$_] += $paths[$_][0];
push $paths[$_]->@*, shift $paths[$_]->@*;
return $visited;

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@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ use File::Serialize;
use Part2;
my $input = path('input')->slurp;
my $example = path('example')->slurp;
my %solutions = deserialize_file('solutions.yml')->%*;
is Part2::solution_2(<<'END') => 6;
my $example = <<END;
11A = (11B, XXX)
@ -23,6 +20,27 @@ LR
22Z = (22B, 22B)
my %solutions = deserialize_file('solutions.yml')->%*;
my $parsed = Part1::parse_input($example);
is [Part2::get_cycle('11A',$parsed->{directions},$parsed->{nodes})] => [1,2];
#use DDP; my @x = Part2::get_cycle('22A',$parsed->{directions},$parsed->{nodes});p @x;
is [Part2::get_cycle('22A',$parsed->{directions},$parsed->{nodes})] => [1,2,3];
is Part2::solution_2($example) => 6;
$parsed = Part1::parse_input($input);
# my @initial = grep { /A$/ } keys $parsed->{nodes}->%*;
# for (@initial ) {
# say join " ", Part2::get_cycle($_,$parsed->{directions},$parsed->{nodes});
# }
is Part2::solution_2($input) => $solutions{2};