import fs from "fs-extra"; import fp from "lodash/fp.js"; import _ from "lodash"; export const processInput = (input) => fs.readFile(input, "utf8").then((content) => { let [coords, instructions] = content.split("\n\n"); let grid = []; for (const [y, x] of coords .split("\n") .map((line) => line.split(",").map((x) => parseInt(x)))) { if (!grid[x]) grid[x] = []; grid[x][y] = true; } grid = [...grid].map((x) => (x ? [...x] : [])); instructions = instructions .split("\n") .filter((x) => x) .map((line) => line.match(/([xy])=(\d+)/)) .map(([_, direction, level]) => [direction, parseInt(level)]); return { grid, instructions, }; }); export function foldGrid(grid, direction, level) { if (direction === "x") { for (const row of grid) { if (!row) continue; const folded = row.splice(level); folded.forEach((v, i) => { if (i === 0) return; if (!v) return; row[level - i] = v; }); } return grid; } const folded = grid.splice(level); folded.forEach((v, i) => { if (i === 0) return; if (!v) return; grid[level - i] = _.range( _.max([grid[level - i].length, folded[i].length]) ).map((j) => grid[level - i][j] || folded[i][j]); }); return grid; } export function printGrid(grid) { return grid .map((line) => (line || []).map((x) => (x ? "#" : ".")).join("")) .join("\n"); } export function solution({ grid, instructions }) { foldGrid(grid, ...instructions.shift()); return _.sum(grid.flat()); }