import * as R from "remeda"; import fs from "fs-extra"; import path from "path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; export const readFile = (url, file) => fs.readFileSync(path.join(fileURLToPath(new URL(".", url)), file), "utf8"); export const sample = readFile(import.meta.url, "sample"); export const puzzleInput = readFile(import.meta.url, "input"); function parseHeaps(text) { const lines = text.split("\n").filter(R.identity); lines.reverse(); let [header, ...crates] = lines; const stacks = []; while (header.trimEnd()) { header = header.replace(/^(\s+)\d/, (...args) => { crates = => c.slice(args[1].length)); const stack = []; crates = => l.replace(/./, (c) => { if (c !== " ") stack.push(c); return ""; }) ); stacks.push(stack); return ""; }); } return stacks; } function parseCommands(text) { return text .split("\n") .filter(R.identity) .map((line) => line.match(/\d+/g).map((x) => parseInt(x))); } function moveStacks([stacks, commands]) { for (let [move, from, to] of commands) { console.log({ move, from, to }); while (move-- > 0) { stacks[to - 1].push(stacks[from - 1].pop()); } } return stacks; } export const spy = (x) => { console.log(x); return x; }; export const parseLines = ([heaps, commands]) => [ parseHeaps(heaps), parseCommands(commands), ]; export const solutionPart1 = R.createPipe( (text) => text.split("\n\n"), parseLines, moveStacks, => x.pop()), (x) => x.join("") );