import { load } from 'cheerio'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import DB from 'better-sqlite3'; const db = DB('games.db'); db.pragma('journal_mode = WAL'); export function extract_user_forsale(page) { const $ = load(page); const games = []; const data = $('item').map( function (i,item) { const data = {}; data.bgg_id = $(this).attr('objectid'); = $(this).find('name').text(); data.thumbnail = $(this).find('thumbnail').text(); data.notes = $(this).find('conditiontext').text(); const find_price = data.notes.match(/\$(\d+)/); if(find_price ) data.price = find_price[1]; games.push(data); }) return games; } async function fetch_user_forsale(username,n=1) { if(n>5) throw new Error("couldn't get collection"); const res = await fetch(`${username}`); if ( res.status === 202 ) { return new Promise( (accept,reject) => { setTimeout(()=> { fetch_user_forsale(username,n+1).then(accept) }, 2000) }) } if( res.status === 200 ) return extract_user_forsale( await res.text() ); throw new Error("couldn't get the collection"); } async function update_user_games(username) { const games = await fetch_user_forsale(username); const insert = db.prepare( 'INSERT into game (username, bgg_id, name, thumbnail, notes) VALUES(@username,@bgg_id,@name,@thumbnail,@notes)' ); db.prepare('DELETE FROM game where username = @username').run({username}); for ( let game of games ) {{ username, }); } } console.log( await update_user_games('yenzie') );