insta-purty via perltidy

Yanick Champoux 2023-08-26 10:19:48 -04:00
parent 64b8d22d37
commit 1dcc7cb877
1 changed files with 22 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -10,15 +10,14 @@ use Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth;
use WWW::Mechanize ();
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $url =
form_number => 1,
fields => {
user_login => 'secret',
user_password => 'secret',
form_number => 1,
fields => {
user_login => 'secret',
user_password => 'secret',
} );
# load the results into a table object
my $html_string = $mech->content();
@ -31,34 +30,34 @@ my $list;
my $ts = $te->first_table_found();
foreach my $row ( $ts->rows ) {
foreach my $cell ($row) {
my $machine = @$cell[0];
my $ghz_days = @$cell[6];
$ghz_days =~ s/\s//g;
my $days = @$cell[4];
$days =~ s/\s//g;
foreach my $cell ($row) {
my $machine = @$cell[0];
my $ghz_days = @$cell[6];
$ghz_days =~ s/\s//g;
my $days = @$cell[4];
$days =~ s/\s//g;
if ( $days > 0 ) {
my $perf = $ghz_days / $days;
push( @{ $list->{$machine} }, $perf );
if ( $days > 0 ) {
my $perf = $ghz_days / $days;
push( @{ $list->{$machine} }, $perf );
# create hash with each comptuer and its average GHz Days per day
my %ranks;
foreach my $key ( keys %$list ) {
my $mean = sum( @{ $list->{$key} } ) / @{ $list->{$key} };
my $rounded = int( $mean + 0.5 );
$ranks{$key} = $rounded;
my $mean = sum( @{ $list->{$key} } ) / @{ $list->{$key} };
my $rounded = int( $mean + 0.5 );
$ranks{$key} = $rounded;
# sort hash by the average and print to screen
my $tbl =
captions => [qw/ Computer GHZDaysPerDay /] );
captions => [qw/ Computer GHZDaysPerDay /] );
foreach my $key ( reverse sort { $ranks{$a} <=> $ranks{$b} } keys(%ranks) ) {
$tbl->row( $key, $ranks{$key} );
$tbl->row( $key, $ranks{$key} );
say $tbl->draw();