const yargs = require("yargs"); const new = require("./commands/new"); const status = require("./commands/status"); const done = require("./commands/done"); const upstream = require("./commands/upstream"); const { currentBranch } = require('./utils'); currentBranch().then( currentBranch => { yargs .scriptName("git-mikado") .showHelpOnFail(true) .command( "status", "show status of all mikado branches", status ) .command( "done [branch]", "set branch as done", (yargs) => { return yargs .positional("branch", { describe: "branch to mark as done", default: currentBranch }) }, done ) .command( "upstream [upstream]", "set branch as done", (yargs) => { return yargs .positional("upstream", { describe: "upstream branch to add", }) .option("branch", { alias: "b", describe: "target branch", default: currentBranch, }) .demandOption(["upstream"]); }, upstream ) .command( "new [branch]", "create new mikado branch", (yargs) => { return yargs .positional("branch", { describe: "name of the new branch", }) .option("base", { alias: "b", describe: "base branch", }) .option("upstream", { alias: "u", describe: "branch that is dependent on the new branch", }) .demandOption(["branch"]); }, new ) .fail((msg, err, yargs) => { try { const message = msg || err.message; console.error(message); process.exit(1); } catch (e) { yargs.showHelp(); } }) .help() .demandCommand(1, "") .strict().argv; });