import { expect } from 'chai' import u from '../lib' describe('u.ifElse', () => { it('does updates with the else if the predicate is false', () => { const object = { a: 0 } const result = u.ifElse(false, { b: 1 }, { b: 2 }, object) expect(result).to.eql({ a: 0, b: 2 }) }) it('updates with the true update if the predicate is true', () => { const object = { a: 0 } const result = u.ifElse(true, { b: 1 }, { b: 4 }, object) expect(result).to.eql({ a: 0, b: 1 }) }) it('will use the result of a function passed as a predicate', () => { const object = { a: 0 } const aIsThree = x => x.a === 3 const result = u.ifElse(aIsThree, { b: 1 }, { b: 4 }, object) expect(result).to.eql({ a: 0, b: 4 }) }) it('can be partially applied', () => { const object = { a: 2 } const isEven = x => x % 2 === 0 const inc = x => x + 1 const dec = x => x - 1 const result = u( { a: u.ifElse(isEven, inc, dec), }, object ) expect(result).to.eql({ a: 3 }) }) it('freezes the result', () => { expect(Object.isFrozen(u.ifElse(true, {}, {}, {}))) expect(Object.isFrozen(u.ifElse(false, {}, {}, {}))) }) })