import reduce from 'lodash/collection/reduce'; import isEmpty from 'lodash/lang/isEmpty'; import curry from 'lodash/function/curry'; import assign from 'lodash/object/assign'; function resolveUpdates(updates, obj = {}) { return reduce(updates, (acc, value, key) => { let updatedValue = value; if (!Array.isArray(value) && typeof value === 'object') { updatedValue = update(value, obj[key]); } else if (typeof value === 'function') { updatedValue = value(obj[key]); } if (obj[key] !== updatedValue) { acc[key] = updatedValue; } return acc; }, {}); } function updateArray(updates, obj) { const newObj = [...obj]; return reduce(updates, (acc, value, index) => { acc[index] = value; return acc; }, newObj); } /** * Recursively update an object or array. * * Can update with values: * update({ foo: 3 }, { foo: 1, bar: 2 }); * // => { foo: 3, bar: 2 } * * Or with a function: * update({ foo: x => (x + 1) }, { foo: 2 }); * // => { foo: 3 } * * @param {Object|Function} updates * @param {Object|Array} object to update * @return {Object|Array} new object with modifications */ function update(updates, obj) { if (typeof updates === 'function') { return updates(obj); } const resolvedUpdates = resolveUpdates(updates, obj); if (isEmpty(resolvedUpdates)) { return obj; } if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return updateArray(resolvedUpdates, obj); } return assign({}, obj, resolvedUpdates); } export default curry(update);