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Easily update nested frozen objects and arrays in a declarative and immutable manner.


💡 Info

This is a fork of the main updeep package. For ease of reading — not to mention ease of shamelessly lifting large pieces of the original documentation — in this documentation all mentions of updeep refers to this fork.

updeep makes updating deeply nested objects/arrays painless by allowing you to declare the updates you would like to make and it will take care of the rest. It will recursively return the same instance if no changes have been made, making it ideal for using reference equality checks to detect changes.

Because of this, everything returned by updeep is frozen. Not only that, but updeep assumes that every object passed in to update is immutable, so it may freeze objects passed in as well. Note that the freezing only happens in development.

This fork of updeep requires Remeda, but works very well with any other utility function ([lodash], [Ramda], etc).

Differences with the original Updeep

  • Under the hood, the use of lodash has been replaced by Remeda (for better type support and tree-shaking abilities).

  • The codebase has been ported to TypeScript (mostly for the lulz).

  • The order of parameters in the non-curryied invocation of functions has been modified. In the original updeep the input object is the last parameter, whereas here it's the first.

// original updeep
const dataIn = { a: 1, b: 2 };

let dataOut = u({ c: 3 }, dataIn); // simple call
dataOut = u({ c: 3 })(dataIn); // curried

// updeep-remeda
dataOut = u(dataIn, { c: 3 }); // simple call
dataOut = u({ c: 3 })(dataIn); // curried
  • withDefault has been removed as the behavior can be implemented using Remeda's pipe, or a simple ??.

  • u.omitted has been renamed u.skip.


$ npm install @yanick/updeep-remeda
# or
$ pnpm install @yanick/updeep-remeda

Full example

import u from "@yanick/updeep-remeda";

const person = {
  name: { first: "Bill", last: "Sagat" },
  children: [
    { name: "Mary-Kate", age: 7 },
    { name: "Ashley", age: 7 },
  todo: ["Be funny", "Manage household"],
  email: "bill@example.com",
  version: 1,

const inc = (i) => i + 1;

const eq = (x) => (y) => x === y;

const newPerson = u(person, {
  // Change first name
  name: { first: "Bob" },
  // Increment all children's ages
  children: u.map({ age: inc }),
  // Update email
  email: "bob@example.com",
  // Remove todo
  todo: u.reject(eq("Be funny")),
  // Increment version
  version: inc,
// => {
//  name: { first: 'Bob', last: 'Sagat' },
//  children: [
//    { name: 'Mary-Kate', age: 8 },
//    { name: 'Ashley', age: 8 }
//  ],
//  todo: [
//    'Manage household'
//  ],
//  email: 'bob@example.com',
//  version: 2