import { test, expect, vi } from 'vitest'; import { Updux } from './Updux.js'; test('basic reactions', async () => { const spyA = vi.fn(); const spyB = vi.fn(); const foo = new Updux({ initial: { i: 0 }, reactions: [() => spyA], actions: { inc: null }, mutations: { inc: () => (state) => ({ ...state, i: state.i + 1 }), }, }); foo.addReaction((api) => spyB); const store = foo.createStore();; expect(spyA).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); expect(spyB).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test('subduxes reactions', async () => { const spyA = vi.fn(); const spyB = vi.fn(); const foo = new Updux({ subduxes: { a: new Updux({ initial: 1, reactions: [() => (state) => spyA(state)], actions: { inc: null }, mutations: { inc: () => (state) => state + 1, }, }), b: new Updux({ initial: 10, reactions: [() => spyB] }), }, }); const store = foo.createStore();;; expect(spyA).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(spyA).toHaveBeenCalledWith(3); expect(spyB).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); // the original inc initialized the state });