import { test, expect } from 'vitest'; import u from 'updeep'; import { Updux } from '../src/index.js'; const done = () => (state) => ({...state, done: true}); const todo = new Updux({ initial: { id: 0, done: false }, actions: { done: null, doneAll: null, }, mutations: { done, doneAll: done, }, }); const todos = new Updux({ initial: [], subduxes: { '*': todo }, actions: { addTodo: null }, mutations: { addTodo: text => state => [ ...state, { text } ] } }); todos.setMutation( todo.actions.done, (text,action) =>'text',text), todo.upreducer(action))), true // prevents the subduxes mutations to run automatically ); test( "tutorial", async () => { const store = todos.createStore(); store.dispatch.addTodo('one'); store.dispatch.addTodo('two'); store.dispatch.addTodo('three'); store.dispatch.done( 'two' ); expect( store.getState()[1].done ).toBeTruthy(); expect( store.getState()[2].done ).toBeFalsy(); store.dispatch.doneAll(); expect( store.getState().map( ({done}) => done ) ).toEqual([ true, true, true ]); });