import fp from 'lodash/fp'; import u from 'updeep'; import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; function actionFor(type) { return (payload = null, meta = null) => { return fp.pickBy(v => v !== null)({type, payload, meta}); }; } function buildInitial({initial = {}, subduxes = {}}) { let state = initial; if (fp.isPlainObject(initial)) { initial = fp.mergeAll([ fp.mapValues(fp.getOr({}, 'initial'), subduxes), initial, ]); } return initial; } function buildActions({mutations = {}, subduxes = {}}) { let actions = fp.mergeAll({}, 'actions'), subduxes)) || {}; Object.keys(mutations).forEach(type => { if (!actions[type]) { actions[type] = actionFor(type); } }); return actions; } const composeMutations = mutations => mutations.reduce( (m1,m2) => (payload=null,action={}) => state => m2(payload,action)( m1(payload,action)(state) )); function buildMutations({mutations = {}, subduxes = {}}) { // we have to differentiate the subduxes with '*' than those // without, as the root '*' is not the same as any sub-'*' const actions = fp.uniq( Object.keys(mutations).concat( ...Object.values( subduxes ).map( ({mutations}) => Object.keys(mutations) ) ) ); let mergedMutations = {}; let [ globby, nonGlobby ] = fp.partition( ([_,{mutations}]) => mutations['*'], Object.entries(subduxes) ); globby = globby |> fp.fromPairs |> fp.mapValues( ({reducer}) => (_,action={}) => state => reducer(state,action) ); const globbyMutation = (payload,action) => u( globby |> fp.mapValues( mut => mut(payload,action) ) ); actions.forEach( action => { mergedMutations[action] = [ globbyMutation ] }); nonGlobby.forEach( ([slice, {mutations,reducer}]) => { Object.entries(mutations).forEach(([type,mutation]) => { const localized = (payload=null,action={}) => u.updateIn( slice, mutation(payload,action) ); mergedMutations[type].push(localized); }) }); Object.entries(mutations).forEach(([type,mutation]) => { mergedMutations[type].push(mutation); }); return mergedMutations |> fp.mapValues( composeMutations ); } function buildMiddleware({effects={},subduxes={}},{actions}) { return api => { for ( let type in actions ) { api.dispatch[type] = (...args) => api.dispatch( actions[type](...args) ); } return original_next => { return [ ...fp.toPairs(effects).map(([type,effect])=> { return api => next => action => { if( action.type !== type ) return next(action); return effect(api)(next)(action); }; }), 'middleware', subduxes ) ].filter(x=>x).reduceRight( (next,mw) => mw(api)(next), original_next ) }} } function updux(config) { const dux = {}; dux.actions = buildActions(config); dux.initial = buildInitial(config); dux.mutations = buildMutations(config); dux.upreducer = (action={}) => state => { if (state === null) state = dux.initial; const a = dux.mutations[action.type] || dux.mutations['*'] || (() => state => state); return a(action.payload, action)(state); }; dux.reducer = (state, action) => { return dux.upreducer(action)(state); }; dux.middleware = buildMiddleware(config,dux); dux.createStore = () => { const store = createStore( dux.reducer, dux.initial, applyMiddleware( dux.middleware) ); for ( let a in dux.actions ) { store.dispatch[a] = (...args) => { store.dispatch(dux.actions[a](...args)) }; } return store; } return dux; } export default updux;