import { action, payload } from 'ts-action'; import Updux, { dux } from '.'; import { test } from 'tap'; import { expectAssignable } from 'tsd'; const noopEffect = () => () => () => null; test( 'actions defined in effects and mutations, multi-level', { autoend: true }, t => { const bar = action('bar', (payload, meta) => ({ payload, meta })); const foo = action('foo', (limit: number) => ({ payload: { limit }, })); const { actions }: any = dux({ effects: [[foo, noopEffect] as any], mutations: [[bar, () => () => null]], subduxes: { mysub: dux({ effects: { baz: noopEffect }, mutations: { quux: () => () => null }, actions: { foo, }, }), myothersub: dux({ effects: [[foo, noopEffect]], }), }, }); const types = Object.keys(actions); types.sort(); t.match(types, ['bar', 'baz', 'foo', 'quux']); t.match(, { type: 'bar' }); t.match('xxx'), { type: 'bar', payload: 'xxx' }); t.match(, 'yyy'), { type: 'bar', payload: undefined, meta: 'yyy', }); t.same(, { type: 'foo', payload: { limit: 12 } }); } ); test('different calls to addAction', t => { const updux = new Updux(); updux.addAction(action('foo', payload())); t.match('yo'), { type: 'foo', payload: 'yo', }); updux.addAction('baz', x => ({ x })); t.match(updux.actions.baz(3), { type: 'baz', payload: { x: 3 }, }); t.end(); }); test('types', t => { const {actions} = dux({ actions: { foo: action('foo') }}); expectAssignable( actions ); t.end(); });