
316 lines
9.1 KiB

import R from 'remeda';
import u from 'updeep';
import { createStore as reduxCreateStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import { buildSelectors } from './selectors.js';
import { buildUpreducer } from './upreducer.js';
import { buildMiddleware, augmentMiddlewareApi } from './middleware.js';
import { action, isActionGen } from './actions.js';
* Updux configuration object
* @typedef {Object} Updux config
* @property {Object} actions - Actions to be made available to the updux.
export class Updux {
#name = 'unknown';
#localInitial = {};
#subduxes = {};
#mutations = {};
#config = {};
#selectors = {};
#effects = [];
#localReactions = [];
constructor(config = {}) {
this.#config = config;
this.#name = config.name || 'unknown';
this.#splatReactionMapper = config.splatReactionMapper;
this.#middlewareWrapper = config.middlewareWrapper;
this.#localInitial = config.initial;
this.#subduxes = config.subduxes ?? {};
this.#actions = R.mapValues(config.actions ?? {}, (arg, name) =>
isActionGen(arg) ? arg : action(name, arg),
Object.entries(this.#subduxes).forEach(([slice, sub]) =>
this.#addSubduxActions(slice, sub),
Object.entries(config.mutations ?? {}).forEach((args) =>
this.#selectors = buildSelectors(
if (Array.isArray(config.effects)) {
this.#effects = config.effects;
} else if (R.isObject(config.effects)) {
this.#effects = Object.entries(config.effects);
this.#localReactions = config.reactions ?? [];
get name() {
return this.#name;
#addSubduxActions(_slice, subdux) {
if (!subdux.actions) return;
// TODO action 'blah' defined multiple times: <where>
Object.entries(subdux.actions).forEach(([action, gen]) => {
if (this.#actions[action]) {
if (this.#actions[action] === gen) return;
throw new Error(`action '${action}' already defined`);
this.#actions[action] = gen;
get selectors() {
return this.#selectors;
get actions() {
return this.#actions;
get initial() {
if (Object.keys(this.#subduxes).length === 0)
return this.#localInitial ?? {};
if (this.#subduxes['*']) {
if (this.#localInitial) return this.#localInitial;
return [];
return Object.assign(
this.#localInitial ?? {},
R.mapValues(this.#subduxes, ({ initial }) => initial),
get reducer() {
return (state, action) => this.upreducer(action)(state);
get upreducer() {
return buildUpreducer(this.#mutations, this.#subduxes);
* @param {string | Function} action - Action triggering the mutation. If
* the action is a string, it has to have been previously declared for this
* updux, but if it's a function generator, it'll be automatically added to the
* updux if not already present (the idea being that making a typo on a string
* is easy, but passing a wrong function very more unlikely).
* @param {Function} mutation - Mutating function.
* @param {bool} terminal - If true, subduxes' mutations won't be invoked on
* the action.
* @return {void}
setMutation(action, mutation, terminal = false) {
// TODO option strict: false to make it okay to auto-create
// the actions as strings?
if (action.type) {
if (!this.#actions[action.type]) {
this.#actions[action.type] = action;
} else if (this.#actions[action.type] !== action) {
throw new Error(
`action '${action.type}' not defined for this updux or definition is different`,
action = action.type;
if (!this.#actions[action] && action !== '*') {
throw new Error(`action '${action}' is not defined`);
if (terminal) {
const originalMutation = mutation;
mutation = (...args) => originalMutation(...args);
mutation.terminal = true;
this.#mutations[action] = mutation;
get mutations() {
return this.#mutations;
get middleware() {
return buildMiddleware(
createStore(initial = undefined, enhancerGenerator = undefined) {
const enhancer = (enhancerGenerator ?? applyMiddleware)(
const store = reduxCreateStore(
initial ?? this.initial,
store.actions = this.actions;
store.selectors = this.selectors;
Object.entries(this.selectors).forEach(([selector, fn]) => {
store.getState[selector] = (...args) => {
let result = fn(store.getState());
if (typeof result === 'function') return result(...args);
return result;
for (const action in this.actions) {
store.dispatch[action] = (...args) => {
return store.dispatch(this.actions[action](...args));
return store;
addEffect(action, effect) {
this.#effects = [...this.#effects, [action, effect]];
addReaction(reaction) {
this.#localReactions = [...this.#localReactions, reaction];
augmentMiddlewareApi(api) {
return augmentMiddlewareApi(api, this.actions, this.selectors);
subscribeTo(store, subscription) {
const localStore = this.augmentMiddlewareApi({
subscribe: (subscriber) => this.subscribeTo(store, subscriber), // TODO not sure
const subscriber = subscription(localStore);
let previous;
let unsub;
const memoSub = () => {
const state = store.getState();
if (state === previous) return;
let p = previous;
previous = state;
subscriber(state, p, unsub);
return store.subscribe(memoSub);
createSplatReaction() {
const subdux = this.#subduxes['*'];
const mapper = this.#splatReactionMapper;
return (api) => {
const cache = {};
return (state, previousState, unsubscribe) => {
const gone = { ...cache };
// TODO assuming object here
for (const key in state) {
if (cache[key]) {
delete gone[key];
} else {
const dux = new Updux({
initial: null,
actions: { update: null },
mutations: {
update: (payload) => () => payload,
const store = dux.createStore();
// TODO need to change the store to have the
// subscribe pointing to the right slice?
const context = {
...(api.context ?? {}),
[subdux.name]: key,
const unsub = subdux.subscribeAll({
cache[key] = { store, unsub };
for (const key in gone) {
delete cache[key];
subscribeSplatReaction(store) {
return this.subscribeTo(store, this.createSplatReaction());
subscribeAll(store) {
let unsubs = this.#localReactions.map((sub) =>
this.subscribeTo(store, sub),
if (this.#splatReactionMapper) {
.filter(([slice]) => slice !== '*')
.map(([slice, subdux]) => {
getState: () => store.getState()[slice],
return () => unsubs.forEach((u) => u());
export const dux = (config) => new Updux(config);