
206 lines
4.7 KiB

import Updux, {dux} from '.';
import u from '@yanick/updeep';
import { action, payload } from 'ts-action';
import tap from 'tap';
tap.test('actions from mutations', async t => {
const {
actions: {foo, bar},
} : any = new Updux({
mutations: {
foo: () => (x:any) => x,
t.match( foo(), { type: 'foo' } );
t.same( foo(true), {type: 'foo', payload: true});
tap.test('reducer', async t => {
const inc = action('inc');
const {actions, reducer} = dux({
initial: {counter: 1},
actions: { inc },
mutations: {
inc: () => ({counter}:{counter:number}) => ({counter: counter + 1}),
let state = reducer(undefined, {type:'noop'});
t.same(state,{counter: 1});
state = reducer(state, actions.inc());
t.same(state,{counter: 2});
tap.test( 'sub reducers', async t => {
const doAll = action('doAll', payload<number>() );
const foo = dux({
initial: 1,
actions: { doAll },
mutations: {
doFoo: () => (x:number) => x + 1,
doAll: () => (x:number) => x + 10,
const bar = dux({
initial: 'a',
actions: { doAll },
mutations: {
doBar: () => (x:string) => x + 'a',
doAll: () => (x:string) => x + 'b',
const { initial, actions, reducer } = new Updux({
subduxes: {
foo, bar
t.same(initial,{ foo: 1, bar: 'a' });
let state = reducer(undefined,{type:'noop'});
t.same(state,{ foo: 1, bar: 'a' });
state = reducer(state, (actions as any).doFoo() );
t.same(state,{ foo: 2, bar: 'a' });
state = reducer(state, (actions as any).doBar() );
t.same(state,{ foo: 2, bar: 'aa' });
state = reducer(state, (actions as any).doAll() );
t.same(state,{ foo: 12, bar: 'aab' });
tap.test('precedence between root and sub-reducers', async t => {
const {
} = dux({
initial: {
foo: { bar: 4 },
mutations: {
inc: () => (state:any) => {
return {
surprise: state.foo.bar
subduxes: {
foo: dux({
initial: {
bar: 2,
quux: 3,
mutations: {
inc: () => (state:any) => ({...state, bar: state.bar + 1 })
// quick fix until https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/9531
foo: { bar: 4, quux: 3 }
t.same( reducer(undefined,(actions as any).inc() ) ,{
foo: { bar: 5, quux: 3 }, surprise: 5
function timeout(ms:number) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
tap.test( 'middleware', async t => {
const {
} = dux({
initial: { result: [] },
mutations: {
inc: (addition:number) => u({ result: r => [ ...r, addition ]}),
doEeet: () => u({ result: r => [ ...r, 'Z' ]}),
effects: {
doEeet: api => next => async action => {
api.dispatch( api.actions.inc('a') );
await timeout(1000);
api.dispatch( api.actions.inc('c') );
subduxes: {
foo: dux({
effects: {
doEeet: (api:any) => ( next:any ) => ( action: any ) => {
api.dispatch({ type: 'inc', payload: 'b'});
const store :any = createStore();
store.dispatch( (actions as any).doEeet() );
t.is(store.getState().result.join(''),'abZ' );
await timeout(1000);
t.is(store.getState().result.join(''), 'abZc' );
tap.test( "subduxes and mutations", async t => {
const quux = action('quux');
const foo = dux({
actions: { quux },
mutations: {
quux: () => () => 'x',
blart: () => () => 'a',
const bar = dux({
actions: { quux },
mutations: {
quux: () => () => 'y'
const baz = dux({
actions: { quux },
mutations: {
quux: () => (state:any) => ({...state, "baz": "z" })
}, subduxes: { foo, bar } });
let state = baz.reducer(undefined, (baz.actions as any).quux() );
foo: "x",
bar: "y",
baz: "z",