• Joined on 2019-10-09
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yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#58

make the cruiser more like the example, layout-wise

2023-05-07 15:31:47 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#57

import component

2023-05-07 15:30:37 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#56

move the exports as a side-menu for the editor

2023-05-07 15:30:27 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#55

Add a failsale page for 404s

2023-05-05 16:09:31 +00:00

yanick closed issue aotds/aotds-docks#54

add a page with links to other tools

2023-05-05 16:03:21 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#54

add a page with links to other tools

2023-05-05 15:50:57 +00:00

yanick created repository yanick/changelord.js

2023-05-05 14:52:29 +00:00

yanick closed issue aotds/aotds-docks#52

move 'print' at the top of the export list

2023-05-04 23:41:17 +00:00

yanick closed issue aotds/aotds-docks#51

change links in 'About'

2023-05-04 23:01:47 +00:00

yanick closed issue aotds/aotds-docks#50

add umami tracker

2023-05-04 22:31:33 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#53

Make an icon (and favicon)

2023-05-04 21:47:36 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#52

move 'print' at the top of the export list

2023-05-04 21:32:54 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#51

change links in 'About'

2023-05-04 21:30:50 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#50

add umami tracker

2023-05-04 21:30:36 +00:00

yanick closed issue aotds/aotds-docks#49

cargo print component

2023-04-30 16:10:35 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#49

cargo print component

2023-04-30 15:40:46 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#48

print components

2023-04-30 15:40:34 +00:00

yanick closed issue aotds/aotds-docks#46

Print component

2023-04-30 15:40:12 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#47

add legend for symbols on sheet

2023-04-28 14:25:45 +00:00

yanick opened issue aotds/aotds-docks#46

Print component

2023-04-25 14:08:31 +00:00