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[updux - v1.2.0](README.md) [Globals](globals.md)
# updux - v1.2.0
## Index
### Classes
* [Updux](classes/updux.md)
### Type aliases
* [Action](globals.md#action)
* [ActionPair](globals.md#actionpair)
* [ActionPayloadGenerator](globals.md#actionpayloadgenerator)
* [ActionsOf](globals.md#actionsof)
* [CoduxesOf](globals.md#coduxesof)
* [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)
* [Dux](globals.md#dux)
* [DuxActions](globals.md#duxactions)
* [DuxActionsCoduxes](globals.md#duxactionscoduxes)
* [DuxActionsSubduxes](globals.md#duxactionssubduxes)
* [DuxSelectors](globals.md#duxselectors)
* [DuxState](globals.md#duxstate)
* [DuxStateCoduxes](globals.md#duxstatecoduxes)
* [DuxStateGlobSub](globals.md#duxstateglobsub)
* [DuxStateSubduxes](globals.md#duxstatesubduxes)
* [Effect](globals.md#effect)
* [GenericActions](globals.md#genericactions)
* [ItemsOf](globals.md#itemsof)
* [LocalDuxState](globals.md#localduxstate)
* [MaybePayload](globals.md#maybepayload)
* [MaybeReturnType](globals.md#maybereturntype)
* [Merge](globals.md#merge)
* [Mutation](globals.md#mutation)
* [MutationEntry](globals.md#mutationentry)
* [MwGen](globals.md#mwgen)
* [Next](globals.md#next)
* [RebaseSelector](globals.md#rebaseselector)
* [Selector](globals.md#selector)
* [SelectorsOf](globals.md#selectorsof)
* [StateOf](globals.md#stateof)
* [StoreWithDispatchActions](globals.md#storewithdispatchactions)
* [SubMutations](globals.md#submutations)
* [Submws](globals.md#submws)
* [UnionToIntersection](globals.md#uniontointersection)
* [UpduxActions](globals.md#upduxactions)
* [UpduxConfig](globals.md#upduxconfig)
* [UpduxLocalActions](globals.md#upduxlocalactions)
* [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)
* [Upreducer](globals.md#upreducer)
### Variables
* [subEffects](globals.md#const-subeffects)
* [updux](globals.md#const-updux)
### Functions
* [MiddlewareFor](globals.md#const-middlewarefor)
* [buildActions](globals.md#buildactions)
* [buildCreateStore](globals.md#buildcreatestore)
* [buildInitial](globals.md#buildinitial)
* [buildMiddleware](globals.md#buildmiddleware)
* [buildMutations](globals.md#buildmutations)
* [buildSelectors](globals.md#buildselectors)
* [buildUpreducer](globals.md#buildupreducer)
* [coduxes](globals.md#const-coduxes)
* [composeMutations](globals.md#const-composemutations)
* [composeMw](globals.md#const-composemw)
* [dux](globals.md#const-dux)
* [effectToMw](globals.md#const-effecttomw)
* [sliceMw](globals.md#slicemw)
* [subMiddleware](globals.md#const-submiddleware)
* [subSelectors](globals.md#subselectors)
## Type aliases
### Action
Ƭ **Action**: *object & [MaybePayload](globals.md#maybepayload)P*
### ActionPair
Ƭ **ActionPair**: *[string, ActionCreator]*
### ActionPayloadGenerator
Ƭ **ActionPayloadGenerator**: *function*
#### Type declaration:
▸ (...`args`: any[]): *any*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`...args` | any[] |
### ActionsOf
Ƭ **ActionsOf**: *U extends Updux ? U["actions"] : object*
### CoduxesOf
Ƭ **CoduxesOf**: *U extends Updux<any, any, any, infer S> ? S : []*
### Dictionary
Ƭ **Dictionary**: *object*
#### Type declaration:
* \[ **key**: *string*\]: T
### Dux
Ƭ **Dux**: *object*
#### Type declaration:
* **actions**: *A*
* **coduxes**: *[Dux](globals.md#dux)[]*
* **initial**: *AggDuxStateS, C*
* **subduxes**: *[Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Dux](globals.md#dux)*
### DuxActions
Ƭ **DuxActions**:
### DuxActionsCoduxes
Ƭ **DuxActionsCoduxes**: *C extends Array<infer I> ? UnionToIntersection<ActionsOf<I>> : object*
### DuxActionsSubduxes
Ƭ **DuxActionsSubduxes**: *C extends object ? ActionsOf<C[keyof C]> : unknown*
### DuxSelectors
Ƭ **DuxSelectors**: *unknown extends X ? object : X*
### DuxState
Ƭ **DuxState**: *D extends object ? S : unknown*
### DuxStateCoduxes
Ƭ **DuxStateCoduxes**: *C extends Array<infer U> ? UnionToIntersection<StateOf<U>> : unknown*
### DuxStateGlobSub
Ƭ **DuxStateGlobSub**: *S extends object ? StateOf<I> : unknown*
### DuxStateSubduxes
Ƭ **DuxStateSubduxes**: *C extends object ? object : C extends object ? object : unknown*
### Effect
Ƭ **Effect**: *[string, [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware) | [MwGen](globals.md#mwgen), undefined | false | true]*
### GenericActions
Ƭ **GenericActions**: *[Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)ActionCreatorstring, function*
### ItemsOf
Ƭ **ItemsOf**: *C extends object ? C[keyof C] : unknown*
### LocalDuxState
Ƭ **LocalDuxState**: *S extends never[] ? unknown[] : S*
### MaybePayload
Ƭ **MaybePayload**: *P extends object | string | boolean | number ? object : object*
### MaybeReturnType
Ƭ **MaybeReturnType**: *X extends function ? ReturnType<X> : unknown*
### Merge
Ƭ **Merge**: *[UnionToIntersection](globals.md#uniontointersection)T[keyof T]*
### Mutation
Ƭ **Mutation**: *function*
#### Type declaration:
▸ (`payload`: A["payload"], `action`: A): *function*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`payload` | A["payload"] |
`action` | A |
▸ (`state`: S): *S*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`state` | S |
### MutationEntry
Ƭ **MutationEntry**: *[ActionCreator | string, [Mutation](globals.md#mutation)any, [Action](globals.md#action)string, any, undefined | false | true]*
### MwGen
Ƭ **MwGen**: *function*
#### Type declaration:
▸ (): *[UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)*
### Next
Ƭ **Next**: *function*
#### Type declaration:
▸ (`action`: [Action](globals.md#action)): *any*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`action` | [Action](globals.md#action) |
### RebaseSelector
Ƭ **RebaseSelector**: *object*
#### Type declaration:
### Selector
Ƭ **Selector**: *function*
#### Type declaration:
▸ (`state`: S): *unknown*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`state` | S |
### SelectorsOf
Ƭ **SelectorsOf**: *C extends object ? S : unknown*
### StateOf
Ƭ **StateOf**: *D extends object ? I : unknown*
### StoreWithDispatchActions
Ƭ **StoreWithDispatchActions**: *StoreS & object*
### SubMutations
Ƭ **SubMutations**: *object*
#### Type declaration:
* \[ **slice**: *string*\]: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Mutation](globals.md#mutation)
### Submws
Ƭ **Submws**: *[Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)*
### UnionToIntersection
Ƭ **UnionToIntersection**: *U extends any ? function : never extends function ? I : never*
### UpduxActions
Ƭ **UpduxActions**: *U extends Updux ? UnionToIntersection<UpduxLocalActions<U> | ActionsOf<CoduxesOf<U>[keyof CoduxesOf<U>]>> : object*
### UpduxConfig
Ƭ **UpduxConfig**: *Partialobject*
Configuration object given to Updux's constructor.
#### arguments
##### initial
Default initial state of the reducer. If applicable, is merged with
the subduxes initial states, with the parent having precedence.
If not provided, defaults to an empty object.
##### actions
[Actions](/concepts/Actions) used by the updux.
import { dux } from 'updux';
import { action, payload } from 'ts-action';
const bar = action('BAR', payload<int>());
const foo = action('FOO');
const myDux = dux({
actions: {
mutations: [
[ foo, () => state => state ]
myDux.actions.foo({ x: 1, y: 2 }); // => { type: foo, x:1, y:2 }
myDux.actions.bar(2); // => { type: bar, payload: 2 }
New actions used directly in mutations and effects will be added to the
dux actions -- that is, they will be accessible via `dux.actions` -- but will
not appear as part of its Typescript type.
##### selectors
Dictionary of selectors for the current updux. The updux also
inherit its subduxes' selectors.
The selectors are available via the class' getter.
##### mutations
mutations: [
[ action, mutation, isSink ],
mutations: {
action: mutation,
List of mutations for assign to the dux. If you want Typescript goodness, you
probably want to use `addMutation()` instead.
In its generic array-of-array form,
each mutation tuple contains: the action, the mutation,
and boolean indicating if this is a sink mutation.
The action can be an action creator function or a string. If it's a string, it's considered to be the
action type and a generic `action( actionName, payload() )` creator will be
generated for it. If an action is not already defined in the `actions`
parameter, it'll be automatically added.
The pseudo-action type `*` can be used to match any action not explicitly matched by other mutations.
const todosUpdux = updux({
mutations: {
add: todo => state => [ ...state, todo ],
done: done_id => u.map( u.if( ({id} => id === done_id), {done: true} ) ),
'*' (payload,action) => state => {
console.warn( "unexpected action ", action.type );
return state;
The signature of the mutations is `(payload,action) => state => newState`.
It is designed to play well with `Updeep` (and [Immer](https://immerjs.github.io/immer/docs/introduction)). This way, instead of doing
mutation: {
renameTodo: newName => state => { ...state, name: newName }
we can do
mutation: {
renameTodo: newName => u({ name: newName })
The final argument is the optional boolean `isSink`. If it is true, it'll
prevent subduxes' mutations on the same action. It defaults to `false`.
The object version of the argument can be used as a shortcut when all actions
are strings. In that case, `isSink` is `false` for all mutations.
##### groomMutations
Function that can be provided to alter all local mutations of the updux
(the mutations of subduxes are left untouched).
Can be used, for example, for Immer integration:
import Updux from 'updux';
import { produce } from 'Immer';
const updux = new Updux({
initial: { counter: 0 },
groomMutations: mutation => (...args) => produce( mutation(...args) ),
mutations: {
add: (inc=1) => draft => draft.counter += inc
Or perhaps for debugging:
import Updux from 'updux';
const updux = new Updux({
initial: { counter: 0 },
groomMutations: mutation => (...args) => state => {
console.log( "got action ", args[1] );
return mutation(...args)(state);
##### subduxes
Object mapping slices of the state to sub-upduxes. In addition to creating
sub-reducers for those slices, it'll make the parend updux inherit all the
actions and middleware from its subduxes.
For example, if in plain Redux you would do
import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
import todosReducer from './todos';
import statisticsReducer from './statistics';
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
todos: todosReducer,
stats: statisticsReducer,
then with Updux you'd do
import { updux } from 'updux';
import todos from './todos';
import statistics from './statistics';
const rootUpdux = updux({
subduxes: {
##### effects
Array of arrays or plain object defining asynchronous actions and side-effects triggered by actions.
The effects themselves are Redux middleware, with the `dispatch`
property of the first argument augmented with all the available actions.
effects: {
fetch: ({dispatch}) => next => async (action) => {
let result = await fetch(action.payload.url).then( result => result.json() );
import Updux from 'updux';
import { actions, payload } from 'ts-action';
import u from 'updeep';
const todoUpdux = new Updux({
initial: {
done: false,
note: "",
actions: {
finish: action('FINISH', payload()),
edit: action('EDIT', payload()),
mutations: [
[ edit, note => u({note}) ]
selectors: {
getNote: state => state.note
groomMutations: mutation => transform(mutation),
subduxes: {
effects: {
finish: () => next => action => {
console.log( "Woo! one more bites the dust" );
### UpduxLocalActions
Ƭ **UpduxLocalActions**: *S extends Updux<any, null> ? object : S extends Updux<any, infer A> ? A : object*
### UpduxMiddleware
Ƭ **UpduxMiddleware**: *function*
#### Type declaration:
▸ (`api`: UpduxMiddlewareAPIS, X): *function*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`api` | UpduxMiddlewareAPIS, X |
▸ (`next`: Function): *function*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`next` | Function |
▸ (`action`: A): *any*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`action` | A |
### Upreducer
Ƭ **Upreducer**: *function*
#### Type declaration:
▸ (`action`: [Action](globals.md#action)): *function*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`action` | [Action](globals.md#action) |
▸ (`state`: S): *S*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`state` | S |
## Variables
### `Const` subEffects
**subEffects**: *[Effect](globals.md#effect)* = [ '*', subMiddleware ] as any
### `Const` updux
**updux**: *[Updux](classes/updux.md)unknown, null, unknown, object* = new Updux({
subduxes: {
foo: dux({ initial: "banana" })
## Functions
### `Const` MiddlewareFor
**MiddlewareFor**(`type`: any, `mw`: Middleware): *Middleware*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`type` | any |
`mw` | Middleware |
**Returns:** *Middleware*
### buildActions
**buildActions**(`actions`: [ActionPair](globals.md#actionpair)[]): *[Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)ActionCreatorstring, function*
Name | Type | Default |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`actions` | [ActionPair](globals.md#actionpair)[] | [] |
**Returns:** *[Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)ActionCreatorstring, function*
### buildCreateStore
**buildCreateStore**<**S**, **A**>(`reducer`: ReducerS, `middleware`: Middleware, `actions`: A): *function*
**Type parameters:**
Name | Type | Default |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`reducer` | ReducerS | - |
`middleware` | Middleware | - |
`actions` | A | {} as A |
**Returns:** *function*
▸ (`initial?`: S, `injectEnhancer?`: Function): *StoreS & object*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`initial?` | S |
`injectEnhancer?` | Function |
### buildInitial
**buildInitial**(`initial`: any, `coduxes`: any, `subduxes`: any): *any*
Name | Type | Default |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`initial` | any | - |
`coduxes` | any | [] |
`subduxes` | any | {} |
**Returns:** *any*
### buildMiddleware
**buildMiddleware**<**S**>(`local`: [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)[], `co`: [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)[], `sub`: [Submws](globals.md#submws)): *[UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)S*
**Type parameters:**
Name | Type | Default |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`local` | [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)[] | [] |
`co` | [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)[] | [] |
`sub` | [Submws](globals.md#submws) | {} |
**Returns:** *[UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)S*
### buildMutations
**buildMutations**(`mutations`: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Mutation](globals.md#mutation) | [[Mutation](globals.md#mutation), boolean | undefined], `subduxes`: object, `coduxes`: [Upreducer](globals.md#upreducer)[]): *object*
Name | Type | Default |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`mutations` | [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Mutation](globals.md#mutation) &#124; [[Mutation](globals.md#mutation), boolean &#124; undefined] | {} |
`subduxes` | object | {} |
`coduxes` | [Upreducer](globals.md#upreducer)[] | [] |
**Returns:** *object*
### buildSelectors
**buildSelectors**(`localSelectors`: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector), `coduxes`: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector)[], `subduxes`: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector)): *object*
Name | Type | Default |
------ | ------ | ------ |
`localSelectors` | [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector) | {} |
`coduxes` | [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector)[] | [] |
`subduxes` | [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector) | {} |
**Returns:** *object*
### buildUpreducer
**buildUpreducer**<**S**>(`initial`: S, `mutations`: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Mutation](globals.md#mutation)S): *[Upreducer](globals.md#upreducer)S*
**Type parameters:**
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`initial` | S |
`mutations` | [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Mutation](globals.md#mutation)S |
**Returns:** *[Upreducer](globals.md#upreducer)S*
### `Const` coduxes
**coduxes**<**C**, **U**>(...`coduxes`: U): *object*
**Type parameters:**
**C**: *[Dux](globals.md#dux)*
**U**: *[C]*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`...coduxes` | U |
**Returns:** *object*
* **coduxes**: *U*
### `Const` composeMutations
**composeMutations**(`mutations`: [Mutation](globals.md#mutation)[]): *function | (Anonymous function)*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`mutations` | [Mutation](globals.md#mutation)[] |
**Returns:** *function | (Anonymous function)*
### `Const` composeMw
**composeMw**(`mws`: [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)[]): *(Anonymous function)*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`mws` | [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)[] |
**Returns:** *(Anonymous function)*
### `Const` dux
**dux**<**S**, **A**, **X**, **C**>(`config`: C): *object*
**Type parameters:**
**C**: *[UpduxConfig](globals.md#upduxconfig)*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`config` | C |
**Returns:** *object*
* **actions**: = this.actions
* **coduxes**: *object[]* = this.coduxes
* **createStore**(): *function*
* (`initial?`: S, `injectEnhancer?`: Function): *StoreS & object*
* **initial**: = this.initial
* **middleware**(): *function*
* (`api`: UpduxMiddlewareAPIS, X): *function*
* (`next`: Function): *function*
* (`action`: A): *any*
* **mutations**(): *object*
* **reducer**(): *function*
* (`state`: S | undefined, `action`: [Action](globals.md#action)): *S*
* **selectors**: = this.selectors
* **subduxes**(): *object*
* **upreducer**(): *function*
* (`action`: [Action](globals.md#action)): *function*
* (`state`: S): *S*
### `Const` effectToMw
**effectToMw**(`effect`: [Effect](globals.md#effect), `actions`: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)ActionCreator, `selectors`: [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector)): *subMiddleware | augmented*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`effect` | [Effect](globals.md#effect) |
`actions` | [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)ActionCreator |
`selectors` | [Dictionary](globals.md#dictionary)[Selector](globals.md#selector) |
**Returns:** *subMiddleware | augmented*
### sliceMw
**sliceMw**(`slice`: string, `mw`: [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)): *[UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`slice` | string |
`mw` | [UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware) |
**Returns:** *[UpduxMiddleware](globals.md#upduxmiddleware)*
### `Const` subMiddleware
**subMiddleware**(): *(Anonymous function)*
**Returns:** *(Anonymous function)*
### subSelectors
**subSelectors**(`__namedParameters`: [string, Function]): *[string, [Selector](globals.md#selector)][]*
Name | Type |
------ | ------ |
`__namedParameters` | [string, Function] |
**Returns:** *[string, [Selector](globals.md#selector)][]*