2022-08-28 19:29:31 -04:00

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# Tutorial
This tutorial walks you through the features of `Updux` using the
time-honored example of the implementation of Todo list store.
We'll be using
[updeep](https://www.npmjs.com/package/updeep) to
help with immutability and deep merging,
but that's totally optional. If `updeep` is not your bag,
it can easily be substitued with, say, [immer][], [lodash][], or even
plain JavaScript.
## Definition of the state
To begin with, let's define that has nothing but an initial state.
import { Updux } from 'updux';
const todosDux = new Updux({
initial: {
next_id: 1,
todos: [],
Congrats! You have written your first Updux object. It
doesn't do a lot, but you can already create a store out of it, and its
initial state will be automatically set:
const store = todosDux.createStore();
console.log(store.getState()); // prints { next_id: 1, todos: [] }
## Add actions
This is all good, but a little static. Let's add actions!
const todosDux = new Updux({
initial: {
next_id: 1,
todos: [],
addTodo: null,
todoDone: null,
### Accessing actions
Once an action is defined, its creator is accessible via the `actions` accessor.
console.log( todosDux.actions.addTodo('write tutorial') );
// prints { type: 'addTodo', payload: 'write tutorial' }
### Adding a mutation
Mutations are the reducing functions associated to actions. They
are defined via the `setMutation` method:
todosDux.setMutation( 'addTodo', description => ({next_id: id, todos}) => ({
next_id: 1 + id,
todos: [...todos, { description, id, done: false }]
## Effects
In addition to mutations, Updux also provides action-specific middleware, here
called effects.
Effects use the usual Redux middleware signature, plus a few goodies.
The `getState` and `dispatch` functions are augmented with the dux selectors,
and actions, respectively. The selectors and actions are also available
from the api object.
import u from 'updeep';
import { action, Updux } from 'updux';
// we want to decouple the increment of next_id and the creation of
// a new todo. So let's use a new version of the action 'addTodo'.
const addTodoWithId = action('addTodoWithId');
const incNextId = action('incNextId');
const addTodo = action('addTodo');
const addTodoEffect = ({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action => {
const id = getState.nextId();
dispatch.addTodoWithId({ description: action.payload, id });
const todosDux = new Updux({
initial: { nextId: 1, todos: [] },
actions: { addTodo, incNextId, addTodoWithId },
selectors: {
nextId: ({nextId}) => nextId,
mutations: {
addTodoWithId: (todo) => u({ todos: (todos) => [...todos, todo] }),
incNextId: () => u({ nextId: id => id+1 }),
effects: {
'addTodo': addTodoEffect
const store = todosDux.createStore();
store.dispatch.addTodo('Do the thing');